100% of used oil brought back to a processor will be given a second life!

When you do your own oil change on your car, snowblower or your motorcycle, the ensuing used oil must absolutely be brought back to a SOGHU-registered collection facility. Why? Obviously, to avoid any possible contamination resulting from the disposal of oil in the sewers or the soil, but also to ensure the oil is given a second life.

The steps

Once you’ve brought your used oil back to a collection facility, a collector (company with proper equipment and qualified staff) comes pick it up at the collection facility. Then, the oil is delivered to a processor, which is a company with dedicated installations designed to give used products a second life.

At which point, the processor cleans and treats the oil. Water is extracted and additives are added to the used oil in order to retransform it into new regenerated oil.

What kind of second life?

For the most part, used oil becomes lubricating oil again. A small portion will become raw material substituting virgin oil in the manufacturing process of new oil products. Finally, approximately 30% of used oil will be used as fuel in industrial burners, in greenhouses and asphalt plans for example. However, very few companies are authorized to burn oil. They must meet several requirements and hold an approval from the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs.

Your role

In the end, all you need to do is bring your used motor oil back to a SOGHU collection facility. As you can see, SOGHU and its precious partners will take care of the rest.

Click here to find the nearest collection facility to you.

See a video of the entire process.