
20 December 2024

Alexandra Verner appointed SOGHU’s Director of Administration and Partnerships

2024-12-20T08:34:24-05:0020 December 2024|Blog|

Alexandra Verner joins SOGHU’s ranks  We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Alexandra Verner as SOGHU’s Director of Administration and Partnerships. This is a newly created role within the organization, directly resulting from corporate strategic objectives. As part of her duties, Mrs. Verner will be responsible for the development, management and strengthening of [...]

20 June 2024

Jean-François Richard appointed SOGHU’s general manager

2024-06-20T08:35:31-04:0020 June 2024|Not classified|

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Jean-François Richard as the Société de Gestion des Huiles Usagées (SOGHU)’s new acting general manager, effective July 1, 2024. This nomination follows the retirement announcement of Mr. Jean Duchesneau, who has been holding said title since 2017. Mr. Richard will ensure a smooth transition, considering he has [...]

20 June 2024

Why bring my used oil back to a collection facility?

2024-06-20T08:02:36-04:0020 June 2024|Blog, Not classified|

100% of used oil brought back to a processor will be given a second life! When you do your own oil change on your car, snowblower or your motorcycle, the ensuing used oil must absolutely be brought back to a SOGHU-registered collection facility. Why? Obviously, to avoid any possible contamination resulting from the disposal of [...]

30 April 2024

SOGHU Is Celebrating 20 Years of Operations

2024-04-30T15:11:08-04:0030 April 2024|Not classified|

Quebec, April 30, 2024 – The Société de gestion des huiles usagées (SOGHU) is proud to highlight 20 years of activity. For 20 years now, SOGHU has been the non-profit organization recognized by RECYC-QUÉBEC to manage, on behalf of its members, a collection, processing and awareness program for buyers and users of targeted productsin an [...]

17 October 2023

SOGHU : A second life for all your used mechanical maintenance products

2023-10-17T16:37:37-04:0017 October 2023|Not classified|

Did you know the composite benches in your local park are possibly partly built with used plastic oil containers? Indeed, as part of the program managed by SOGHU, used mechanical maintenance products -once collected and sorted- go through a recycling process in order to be given a second life. This applies to oil, antifreeze (glycol), [...]

16 October 2023

Renewal of Partnership Between SOGHU and Québec Remparts

2023-10-16T11:41:23-04:0016 October 2023|Blog|

It is with great pride that we inaugurated the new Zamboni at the Videotron Centre in Quebec City with SOGHU colours, accompanied by our spokesperson Dany ‘Babu’ Bernier, who was proudly wearing his new Québec Remparts jersey. This major visibility is part of a multi-platform partnership plan that will extend over 3 years, allowing us [...]

24 August 2023


2023-08-24T14:22:59-04:0024 August 2023|Blog|

SOGHU had the great pleasure of renewing its partnership with the Grand Prix de Trois Rivières for a second year in a row! The weekend was a success in every way, all under sunny skies!  Increased Visibility with Babu!  We were right in the middle of the action, among the many passionate motor sports enthusiasts, [...]

21 June 2023


2023-06-21T15:57:01-04:0021 June 2023|Collection Facilities, Collectors, Members, Processors|

UOMAs have recovered 83.6% of used oil available for collection in Canada   June 20, 2023 – Taking care of our environment and minimizing waste is crucial for a sustainable future. That’s why the Used Oil Management Associations (UOMA) are proud to report that they’ve collectively recovered 83.6%* of used automotive oil available for collection [...]

20 December 2022

Amendment to the regulation on the recovery and reclamation of products by businesses

2022-12-20T15:18:59-05:0020 December 2022|Collection Facilities, Collectors, Members, Processors|

The Société de Gestion des Huiles Usagées (SOGHU) announced today that the Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques (MELCC) has made changes to the regulations on the recovery and reclamation of products by businesses. Since this information concerns our members, we would like to share it. The good news is [...]

5 December 2022

SOGHU: Sponsor of the Quebec Remparts

2023-02-28T10:37:47-05:005 December 2022|Blog, Collection Facilities, Collectors, Members, Not classified, Processors|

We are proud to announce an agreement with the Quebec Remparts for the 2022–2023 season. We will use the home of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League team, the Videotron Centre, to increase our visibility. On average, the Quebec Remparts welcome more than 9,500 spectators per game from all over Quebec. The SOGHU will be [...]

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